How To Build An Internet Marketing Business Using Only Article Marketing
Article marketing is something that has been around for many decades. Collaborations existed between newspapers and companies, where the company would write article content, which the newspaper would get to publish. In exchange for the article, the newspaper would publish a little bio piece on the company. This exchange has been around for a while, and the internet has only made it easier to match up companies with writers. With the internet came internet marketing, a broad category that encompasses article writing. These two concepts blend together since article marketing needs to be a part of internet marketing, and internet marketing needs article marketing.
Article marketing is a way to get advertising for free. Businesses can advertise through the creation of articles, and internet marketing campaigns benefit by the creation of content, which raises the presence of the company behind the internet marketing campaign. Internet marketing covers many fronts, but most of them are costly, and do not provide the symbiotic benefit that the combination with article marketing provides. Within the...