Building credit is building a better future. Nowadays it takes good credit scores to purchase a home, buy a car, and get a credit card and so on. If your credit is bad usually more bad follows. It takes you to find a solution to repair your credit. The fist step in repairing your credit is to take a look at each bill, including your past due bills. Make sure the current bills are paid in full if possible to avoid any more reporting on your credit report. Once you have taken care of your current bills work toward paying off your late bills.
Some current bills such as utilities or other unsecured bills can wait longer than others, so you might want to payoff your secured bills first. Secured bills means that you have more to loose so you want to take care of those first before paying off nonessential bills and risking losing your home, car or whatever you are paying on. Most utility companies will wait on a bill if you dont have the funds. You may be able to get some help paying utilities.
The Social Services and some Religious Organizations offer support to low-income families. If you have a loan with a bank you might want to contact your lender to see if there...