If you have just come out of college or University debt-free then you are extremely lucky. However, now that you want some credit you may find all paths blocked to you. Having no previous credit history makes it hard to borrow money. Although you cannot get a line of credit now, building a line of credit is easy. All you need to do is go through these easy to follow steps and you can quickly build yourself a good credit history:
Get a bank account
Although bank accounts do not appear on your credit report, having a bank account is the first step to building credit. Most credit card applications require you to list a bank account number, and having a bank account allows you to have a base from which to move money and pay bills.
Apply for a credit card
The next step is to apply for a credit card. Try and apply for a card that you are likely to be accepted for as being denied credit can harm your credit history. Store cards are often the best place to start. Despite their low limits and high interest rates, you are more likely to be accepted for a card, which is ultimately what you want.
Make payments on time
Once you have a card, to...