In commercial real estate, the quality of contacts and relationships you make is essential to your success. A good portion of this business relies on how you interact with brokers, buyer, sellers, engineers and city municipalities. In order to build a solid contact list that is sure to pull you through any situation, there are some key actions you must make with every person you come in contact with.
Many people simply meet a person, most likely forget his or her name, and continue with their day, with no reflection about that person, what they do, and how that new contact may contribute to their success. As a commercial real estate insider, you must start looking at every person as a possible opportunity, within and beyond your work hours.
During work hours, when you are calling and speaking to brokers, sellers, potential buyers, the city, investors, lenders and all the other various professionals in this business, never let a stone go unturned. Beyond just your normal business banter, take a minute to ask what the other person does, what they are interested in, and explain yourself to them as well. This interest must go beyond the obvious, such as, I am the...