Throughout your life youre the history of you credit repayment will follow you. Ensuring, therefore, that you have a good prior history of borrowing money is vital. Insofar as credit cards are concerned, the following is a brief guide to how to build your credit card credit history.
If you have never financed a purchase on credit previously, applying for a credit card can be a little tricky, as the issuer will have no record of yours to judge whether or not you are a credit risk or safe to lend to. As such, before you apply for any of the major credit card issuers, youll likely need to apply to either a minor credit card issuer, such as store, or apply for some form of hire purchase, such as a car loan or to buy a television. Once you have done this, it is then very important that you make the repayments timely and in full.
Provided that you do pay your statement invoices on time and in full, youll start to create a good credit history. Obviously no lender will take one payment as evidence of your capabilities to repay your debt on time and in full. However, so long as you continue to this for a period of time, even a relatively short period of time, such as three...