Losing weight is a big worry for many people. Each year, yet another diet book, exercise plan or fat burning potion is added to the pile in the closet. None of these get-thin-quick gimmicks seem to work, and in some cases, the fat returns in greater numbers than it left. The big question is: how to lose body fat, and how to keep from finding it again.
All of these fat-busting plans are ignoring the basic truth of weight loss: you have to work hard, and carry on working hard, to loose inches and keep in shape. A quick loss plan does not cover you for the period after you complete the programme. If you have a six-week inch-loss plan, what happens on the seventh week? What happens a month after you finish? It wont take too long for that fat to come back. A weight loss supplement that is supposed to burn body fat will probably waste your money, and will not help you.
The most important factor in burning body fat is diet. No matter how many hours you put in at the gym, if you are still consuming more calories than you burn you will carry on gaining weight. Take a close look at your diet. An ideal weight-loss programme includes regular meals, and a fat-limitation diet...