The stomach is one of the most difficult areas of the body to lose fat from. While it seems as though other parts respond well to diet and exercise, the stomach is reluctant to change, and there doesnt seem to be one effective way of losing fat there without taking it off elsewhere too. There is a lot of conflicting advice about how to loose your beer belly, from extra crunches in the gym that most people agree dont work, to special fat-burning pills which are mocked by the scientists.
Most people will tell you that there is no certain way of losing fat from just your stomach. If you want to lose weight, they will tell you, you will need to reduce the fat from all over your body; you cant pick and choose where the body takes its fat reserves from. They may recommend a very strict fat-free diet which can backfire, since the bodys first reaction to starvation conditions is to keep what little fat it has. In effect, you will achieve the opposite of what you want. An ideal low-fat diet should have around 55% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and only 15% fat.
Gym fanatics will probably confirm that there is very little you can do to make sure the fat you lose is taken from...