For homes or businesses trying to cut costs, used circuit breakers may be an option for their electrical needs. You can visit several online stores that carry all sorts of brands of used circuit breakers. Finding a used circuit breaker can also be useful in locating obsolete or outdate breakers. Many companies only sell used circuit breakers that have been tested for quality and safety.
Because used circuit breakers are usually old, it is necessary to test them prior to purchase or using them. Testing used circuit breakers is essential for safety as well as for functional reasons. In older used breakers, the naked eye simply cannot determine if the contacts are corroded. If the contacts are indeed corroded, your circuit breaker may not function properly or safely. Most electricians recommend not to use used circuit breakers to ensure your safety, because prices on new circuit breakers are generally reasonable.
Sometime a company may have too many circuit breakers or breakers that have become obsolete for their needs. In cases such as this, many companies decide to sell their surplus circuit breakers to dealers. In turn, these dealers test, refurbish and resell...