Ferrets can live for up to 10 years or even more. This depends on how you to care of them so if you want to enjoy this friendship for the long term, it is best to read on further.
One thing you have to know about ferrets is that they are nocturnal creatures. They sleep during the day for up to 18 hours or more but when they are awake, they are very active and would like to play with their owner.
But how do you care for a ferret? Since ferrets need to eat, you must give them food that is consisting of meat and poultry products that are rich in protein and low in fat. You must never anything that is high in sugar and carbs as this causes health problems. The same goes for food intended for other animals.
Giving your ferret water is also important. You can give this to them in the form of a bottle or a bowl as they too get dehydrated.
Your pet should also have roomy cage to stay in. Ideally, this should measure 18 x 18 x 30. Some owners may purchase a multilevel cage so they can go up and down instead of just staying on one level. The cage should be escape proof so it is not able to get out when you are not home.
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