If youre going to start running a business from your home, there are various laws you need to know about. If you dont check things out before you start, then you risk having your business shut down by the authorities.
Zoning Laws.
The chances are that the different parts of your town or city have been split into different zones. Each one of these zones has a purpose: business or residential. Since you almost certainly live in a residential area, zoning laws restrict what you can do there in terms of business.
If you think about it, there are good reasons for this. What would it be like if someone could just decide to buy up a whole load of houses and turn the area into a shopping mall, without getting anyones permission? What if your neighbours could just turn around one day and start using their house as a shop? I doubt that youd like that. The laws are there to protect your neighbourhood, and to stop business from interfering with peoples home lives.
You need to phone whatever local governmental body there is in your area, and ask them about the zoning laws in your area. If theyre not helpful, it could be worth a visit to a lawyer. Youll find that...