You have taken the decision to outsource your writing job to a freelancer in a far away land. It seems that this freelancer can write in the language you prefer and the initial impression is favorable. The bidder has given a reasonable cost and time span within which you should receive the content. So far so good and you appear to be satisfied! Now you wait for the results to come back at the stipulated time span, thereby enabling you to implement your much cherished goal of having a web site that will become the envy of others!
Days go by, even a couple of weeks have passed and you have heard nothing from the bidder you so carefully chose to write your web content. You are frustrated and know that nothing can be done since the distance that separates you from your bidder is no easy deal. No replies to your desperate emails and no way you can find out what happened! You now wish that you had first learn how to choose a bidder in this business!
The Seven Steps to the top of the Outsourcing Ladder!
We all wish there was a fool proof method of doing business on the Internet but there is not! We have still to rely upon the “word of mouth” as a means...