Bags are an essential accessory for most people, there seems to be a style for every occasion. The difficulty comes in finding the right one for you at the right price.
Sometimes the purpose of a bag and its practical application is more important than how it looks; this is often the case with a backpack. The backpack has many advantages, but the most obvious one is the fact that it leaves both hands free. Below we will review the whys and wherefores of a good backpack.
Why Should You Buy A Backpack?
Using shoulder bags, worn either on one shoulder or across the body will still leave the bag free to move and slip around. If you are hiking or walking over rocks or mud, the swing of your bag can be enough to off balance you. A backpack would be securely fastened to you and would be less likely to cause a slip. If you are not used to carrying a backpack there is a simple test you can do which may be quite an eye opener. Next time you are out shopping or commuting to work take note of which arm/shoulder you usually carry your bag on. On the return journey try to carry the bag on the opposite side of your body, this will probably feel quite uncomfortable the...