Finding the best loan means that you will have to look and see which one best fits your particular situation. Since people have different ideas about buying a home, you will need to look around and find one based on your needs. Here are some different home loan types to help give you an idea of what is available.
Probably before you do anything else, it would be a real good idea to sit down and figure out just what you want to do about your house. Do you intend to stay there the rest of your life, just a few years, or perhaps as many as 15? After that, then what are your goals concerning a house? If you are planning on selling and buying another one, will you want a larger one or a smaller house? Also, try to get an idea where you reasonably will be financially at that time. Each of these aspects will help you to plan more accurately and help you determine what kind of mortgage you need.
All home loans will fall into one of two categories. It is either a fixed rate mortgage or an adjustable rate mortgage. Fixed rate mortgages (FRM) means that your payments and interest stay the same without any changes. The adjustable rate mortgage (ARM), on the other hand, will...