There is not an ultimate advice because everyone interprets odors in their own way, and the same fragrance can smell totally different considering type of skin, hair color, temperament and even the season of a year. There are important nuances if you do not want to seem vulgar or lacking of taste.
First, when you choose a perfume, do not account on anybody except yourself. When you breathe in the scent, imagine yourself in it, wear it, like an unseen dress, and look at. Does it fit you? After some training, you will learn which of them best suits you.
Second, do not buy cheap perfumes in occidental places.
Third, when using perfumes it is important to take to account the season, the clothes and the place where you are planning to go. It is known that day perfumes are subtler and more transparent than evening perfumes which are considered as darker and richer in their aroma and mysteriousness.
At work at the office or just on a walk, it is better to use day perfumes; they are softer and lighter. In the evening, going to the theatre, it is essential to emphasize the luxury.
When you are preparing to a date, avoid using perfumes that include...