At some schools, the course catalog looks like a phone book. You may be thinking “information overload!” as your eyes glaze over and you begin to feel a little panicky.
If the sheer volume of possibilities is more than you can handle all at once, shut the catalog. Sit down somewhere and think about a few key things, including the following:
-> The basic, common denominator list of courses that you must complete to graduate. Even if you don’t know what your major is going to be, there are some classes that nearly everybody ends up taking. You’ll have to take them sometime, so you might as well get started. Our advice is to get them out of the way ASAP, so you can take fun stuff your senior yearor courses that enhance your major or your employment potential.
-> Your major. What’s it going to be? Do you have any clues yet? This is a very big decision, and you don’t have to figure it out today, this semester, or even this year. But start thinking about it.
-> In this quest for a major, the course catalog is your friend. You may decide to look for classes that are prerequisites for important courses you’ll want to...