How To Choose:
There are only a few main parts of the computer that truly make the difference between the others. As long as when you are looking for the right computer to buy, you pay attention to these parts and see what they are, and how fast they are, you will end up with the computer system you really want and need, instead of another computer that you will be looking at upgrading in the near future.
The Processor:
All computers only understand 1’s and 0’s which is the binary language. The processor does the calculations with these 1’s and 0’s to give you your windows, icons, folders, text, pictures, etc.. The faster your processor’s speed is, the faster it can do these calculations, the less wait time or “lag” you will have. Now that doesn’t mean that you have to get the latest and greatest of processors out. It just means that you have to make a decision based on understanding what that number next to the GHz means.
If you are a student or you are going to be using this computer for such purposes as: research, surfing the web, playing card games, word processing, book keeping, or anything of...