Since there is a rise in credit card debt levels all the time, credit counseling agencies are reaping huge profits. Therefore as a consumer, it is in your interest to choose the right credit counseling agency for you. In general, an accreditation with National Foundation for Credit Counseling or Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies would be recommended.
You need to consider an entire list of credit counseling agencies and then narrow down it and it shall be better to call your local better business bureau and check whether any complaints are filed for any of these. In case any credit counseling agency has number of complaints associated to it, you should better move on another one.
It is very important for you to understand that what is being offered to you by the credit counseling agency. A good credit counseling agency shall offer you a variety of services such as a certified personal counselor, personal financial budget calculation worksheet, a debt management plan, working with creditors to lower down the interest and other free resources and credit information.
Any credit counseling agency that offers you erasing your...