How To Choose Your Product Lineup: Product Selection Criteria For Your E-Biz
The Internet has come a long way a few years ago, it provided an extremely limited selling venue. Only the most daring buyers ventured online to make purchases. Today, nearly anything that can be sold can be sold online, asserts online business advisor Ana Rincon, of Even the most conservative shoppers think nothing of buying a complete set of furniture over the Internet.
Asking the Right Questions
With almost unlimited options to choose from, how do you, as an Online Seller, select the right product offerings? What factors should you consider? Rincon recommends asking five specific questions before determining what merchandise to sell:
Can I be profitable with this product?
You need to know, not just the cost of sourcing an item, but the total cost of selling it, because some items have hidden expenses involved in selling them. Packaging, shipping, storing, marketing, and maintaining listings for your wares are all a part of the total price of selling.
Whats the demand for this product?
Before you sell an item, you need...