When you are putting your hard earned cash into a bank account, you need to know that you are going to get the best deal you can. For that reason you need to very carefully compare bank accounts and compare savings accounts on offer. Basically, there are two kinds of bank accounts for managing money on an everyday basis: a basic account and a current account. There is also a savings account for managing money on a long-term basis.
If you are worried that you may not be able to effectively control your spending, then when you compare bank accounts, a basic bank account may be the best choice for you. A basic account will still let you draw money for your personal use, and pay any bills that may arise. However, with a basic account you will be unable to spend more money than is in your account. In other words, you will be unable to put yourself in debt.
Many people like the restriction of the basic account. It imposes a discipline on them that, for whatever reason, they feel unable to impose on themselves. With a basic bank account you will get a cash card. This card can be used to withdraw money up to an agreed limit from any bank cash machine.
Some basic...