Gray hair is stubborn and it can sometimes be difficult to color. In some cases it turns a smoky unnatural color and in other cases it simply does not cover at all. So, how do you get 100% gray coverage each and every time you color your hair?
The key lies in choosing the right color for your hair type. There are several types of colors including temporary (washes out with 1 shampoo), semi-permanent (washes out gradually over about 4 weeks) and permanent hair color (will not wash out). The main difference of each is the strength of the developer used in each. Color developer is the ingredient that is responsible for pushing the color beneath your cuticle layer so that it cannot be washed out.
In gray hair, this cuticle layer is extremely compact and difficult to open making it hard for the color to get inside the hair strand. If you dont succeed at doing this, the color will not take or will wash out very easily and fade over the next few shampoos. To make sure that you get your color into the hair strand, use a permanent color with at least 20 volume Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) as the developer.
Difference of hair color is caused by the amount of pigment...