Its not hardisnt that good news? Microsofts Dynamic CRM software makes marketing seem effortless.
Open up your CRM 3.0 software and click Campaigns in the Marketing area of the application. Once in there, you just click New. Figure out a name for your campaign and give it a Proposed status for the time being. Lets say you have a new product thats to be released at the beginning of the Autumn to coincide with the new NFL season then. So, you set the date for the new campaign at September 21-January 31. To get help with doing this from the Microsoft Dynamic CRM software, when you are in the New section, click Help on This Page. Then once the Help panel comes up, just click on the Edit or Create Campaign tab and follow what the program tells you to do.
Once you save your basic campaign, you can proceed to adding in campaign activities and planning tasks.
Planning tasks are CRM software tasks that are associated with a particular campaign. These tasks can include a wide array of activities that comprise a given campaign. Lets say that you come up with things to do such as: Identify channels for advertising and supporting materials; identify collateral materials...