What is a truly effective sales presentation? I would define it as one that generates a call to action that eventually leads to a sale. Is there an underlying theme, across all products and their respective target audiences, on how to deliver this presentation? The answer is a definitive yes. This article tells you how.
Let me bring you back in time to a famous Greek philosopher called Socrates (469-399BC). Socrates despite his foundational place in the history of ideas actually wrote nothing. Socrates himself radically and skeptically claimed to know nothing at all except that he knew nothing!
So what is the relevance of this in creating and delivering truly effective customer presentations? Knowing that he knew nothing, Socrates spent his life asking questions?
Say for example he was meeting a prospect, who did not actually understand why they might need a product or service that he was selling. He would ask them questions about what they did, how they did it, and what their needs and desires were. Through the answers, they gave; he would lead them to an understanding of why they would need what he had to offer.
The key here was that he did not...