If you are annoyed by the constant credit card junk mail that you receive, then you are not alone. People all over the country are receiving literally dozens of credit cards offers every year, most of which are misleading or not applicable to them. If you want to know how to deal with these credit card mail offers, then here are some tips.
Why get so many?
Whether or not you have a lot of credit cards, you get sent so many offers because of your specific credit rating. Whether you have a good or bad credit rating depends upon the types of offers you get, but whatever your rating you are a target for credit card companies to be sent offers. Some people will receive nearly 10 of these offers every month, many of them duplicates.
Bait and switch
Although some of the credit card offers you get might seem tempting, they usually not what they seem. Most of these offers employ the technique known as ‘bait and switch’. This is where you will be offered a great deal in the mail such as ‘ you are pre-approved for a credit card with up to 25,000 limit’, but when you fill in the paperwork and send it back you only get 1,000 at an...