How To Develop A Dynamic Mental Approach In Golf
Here are some tips to help you develop a dynamic mental approach to improve your golf.
When a match grows to a climax the great player is apt to become slower and slower.
It is not that the putt on the last green is more difficult than that on the first; probably his experienced eye tells him all he needs to know about it at first glance.
But he potters about, sometimes to the annoyance of uninitiated spectators, until he has pushed all that the putt means out of his mind, until all he is conscious of is the feel of the stroke that will hole the ball.
The pupil, let us say, is making good progress. He is beginning to co-ordinate his game and build up his controls, when he suddenly takes himself off for an afternoon in an entirely different atmospherethat of competitive golf, in which style means nothing and immediate results everything.
Of course his budding style and incipient control go overboard and end-gaining dominates. Everything is subordinate to getting the ball into the hole. It is only an intentionally established set of controls that can resist the temptation to force and...