Unless youre teaching others how to use software, theres a good chance youll need a customized training solution. Thats because with something like software, each keystroke has a predetermined result and therefore users need only understand which keys to push and when. Although time-consuming, developing training content of this nature is fairly straightforward.
But the same cant be said about teaching your employees how to run your business the way you want it run. If it was your job to develop effective training content, would you know how to do it? Would you know what not to do? Dont worry. Most people who dont develop training content for a living wouldnt know these answers, either.
Before you start spending money developing training content, there are a few training content pre-development questions that should be answered first such as:
Who is your target audience?
You might at first think this question is better suited to developing marketing materials not training materials, but think again. As with marketing materials, the message your training materials deliver has to resonate with your market which in this case is your trainees. Otherwise...