You need to write to the creditor at the address shown on your statement for “billing inquiries. You must Include your name, address, account number, and a description of any errors.
Send your letter of dispute as soon as possible. It must reach the creditor within 60 days after the first bill containing the errors was mailed to you.
The creditor has to acknowledge your complaint in writing within 30 days of receipt. At the latest, the dispute must be resolved within two billing cycles, but not more than 90 days.
Unauthorized Charges. If your credit card is used without your permission, you could be held responsible for up to $50 per card.
If you report the loss before the card is used, you can’t be held responsible for any unauthorized charges. I
To minimize your liability, it is imperative that you report the loss as soon as possible. Most issuers have 24-hour toll-free telephone numbers to accept emergency information. If you have managed to notified your credit card company by telephone It’s important that you follow-up with a letter which includes your account...