Credit card is a type of debt instrument where a card is being issued to the person who applies for it. When a card holder uses a credit card, he is borrowing from the credit company to whom he is obliged to repay the loan amount at a specific point of time. Usually, a high rate of interest is charged on credit card balances. So it affects your financial life when you carry too many credit cards.
You can easily reduce your credit card debt to a great extent if you follow these steps:
1. You should not borrow from your credit cards from tomorrow what you want to have today. This means if you are already buried into too many debts, you should stop spending more through your credit cards as this will make your situation worse.
2. Once you are accessing credit cards and spending lavishly it might be not easy for you to set up a budget but it would be much fruitful if you do so. Therefore, you will come to know how much money is being properly utilized and what part is actually wasted while you make credit purchases.
3. When possible, use cash instead of credit card for making purchases. This is because people usually dont give the same importance to non...