These days, there is an intense competition online among the Internet marketers to be successful in their endeavors. People are leaving no stone unturned to achieve immense marketing success. Being unable to be patient for time taking website optimization process, people now are actively involved in paid advertisement of their businesses.
But just listing at top of search engine result page by various search engine norms, or getting 100 of clicks daily through paid advertisement do not bring smile on your face until and unless you get satisfying Conversion Rate of web traffic.
Here I am not disowning the power of search engine optimization, neither I am denying the superiority of paid advertisement processes; these are the factors which should be followed undeniably to get instant and guaranteed web presence. But what I intend to highlight right now is that we must not always give priority to enough web traffic or number of clicks rather we need to be focused on quality website design and development.
As your website represents your company and invoice the services that you offer, your website must be fine tuned with complete details on core business...