An affiliate program establishes a partnership between a marketing entity (you) and an online business company that compensates you for any sales generated as a result of your marketing efforts.
Affiliate programs provide an easy and profitable way to generate income from your Website visitors without investments.
The first major company who’s offer affiliate partnership is awa:
Affiliated Web Attractions is an association of top online gaming and entertainment sites that promotes a philosophy of operational excellence, a commitment to ethical standards set by the Online Gaming Alliance, plus support and distribution of cutting-edge Grand Virtual technology.
Affiliated Web Attractions is the largest and most recognized alliance in the international gaming market. Because of the success of our sites with players and our commitment to excellence with partners, we pay out many millions of dollars to our partners every year.
The second one is Casino Pays, one of the most prestigious affiliate programs in the online casino industry today. Casino Pays is to create a successful partnership between them and affiliates. Utilizing the latest...