When your computer is having definite issues and you have tried all you can possibly think of to repair the problem, short of throwing the computer right out the window, it may be time for you to contact a computer tech. Depending on your budget you have one of two options when it comes to getting a technician to help you with your computer hardware or software issues and these are free solutions or paid solutions.
If you can find a good computer tech using a free solution then that is great. In some cases, websites such as IT Help Desk, Data Doctors, Experts Exchange, or GeekSquad, can be sources of great technicians, if you are lucky enough to find them. The thing about these places and online forums that offer help is that you never really know if the person on the other side really knows what he or she is talking about or if they are just using big words to make it seem like they do. It could be very risky to take advice from someone on these websites. However, in most cases you might find that the solution is quite simple and they really are loads of help to your situation.
Paid solutions are generally the best bet. While they may cost you some money, you...