This is the fourth of eight articles about website design. Our discussion will deal with some of the issues which need to be considered when developing a new online presence. You may have already thought of some of these, but perhaps there are probably things which you havent even considered.
In the last article, we discussed domain name registration.
This week, we are going to start our search for a webmaster, aka “web designer.” Unless you are an accomplished programmer, you are going to have to spend some money at this point.
For example, is the server you are thinking about Linux/Apache or Windows based? Will it support dynamic pages, or only static, and if they do support dynamic will they support both PHP as well as ASP? Or do they stick to one flavor of dynamic. If these terms mean nothing to you, you are going to need the services of a webmaster, and now is the time to bring one on board, either as a contractor, or as an employee.
Web designers tend to specialize, so don’t feel like you need to get someone who is versed in every aspect of website design.
If you just want a basic HTML site then just about anyone...