Nobody like to pay more for car insurance than they have to, and this is especially true in Oregon, which has some of the highest automobile insurance rates in the country.
Theres really no trick to finding affordable car insurance in Oregon. Its simply a matter of shopping around and comparing as many different companies as possible.
Thanks to the internet and a variety of free quote services, getting comparisons is not as difficult as it used to be but it is still tedious and time-consuming.
To save time it is advisable that you have all of the necessary information in front of you before you log onto a car insurance quote site. Having everything at your fingertips will save you a lot of time and headaches.
First, have your drivers license in front of you. You will need to supply all the standard information: name, address, birth date, gender, and martial status. They will also ask for your driving record for the past 5 years. This will include a list of accidents, claims against your present insurance company, and any tickets you have received. Be truthful they will double-check your answers.
They will also ask about your occupation and...