To find cheap airfare, you need to do a little research. Start with the well-known sites, like Expedia, Travelocity, Cheap Tickets, Hotwire or Priceline. The travel agencies just can’t compete with the discount sites any longer. You can also find cheap airfare by using the search engines. Type in something like “cheap plane tickets” and the destination.
I just checked fares from Tucson, Arizona to Traverse City, Michigan on the five sites mentioned above. Tickets ranged from $704 to $432 for the cheapest at each site (and up to $500 more for the most expensive). It isn’t important which was cheapest (oh, okay, it was Expedia). It isn’t important because you never know from day to day which sites will find the cheapest flights. It changes all the time
When you search, always check at least three places. It would mean a savings of $272 in the above example. Flight durations were within minutes of each other, by the way, and the food is probably equally bad on all the flights.
Find Cheap Airfare With Flexibility
Sometimes it’s cheaper to buy two tickets. The lowest rate from Grand Rapids, Michigan to Tucson, Arizona...