If you have a credit card you’re likely to have debt, but you could save a small fortune on repayments by transferring the outstanding balance on one credit card to another credit card. Credit card balance transfers are an easy option for managing credit. Some people switch their balances from card to card to take advantage of each new offer. This is known as card jumping or rate surfing.
Credit card balance transfer offers can also be used to reduce the interest paid on bank loans or other loans. If the credit limit is high enough, you may even be able to pay off the loans completely. Some credit cards provide credit card cheques for this purpose, but you’ll need to be careful. Some credit card cheques have higher interest rates than the credit card itself, so read the fine print very carefully. Some credit cards also allow you to transfer the balance from store cards. This can be useful after an intensive shopping spree!
Types Of Balance Transfers
There are two main types of credit card balance transfer offer. Many credit card companies offer users the chance to transfer balances for a rate of 0% for a fixed period, such as six or nine months....