The latest statistics have shown that approximately 92% of computers have corrupt and possibly harmful files. On average, almost each PC will have about 130+ errors on them due to corrupt or missing registry entries. So the question is,when and why do registry problems occur?
Well clearly If your system is new, you usually will not require the need to effect any changes to your registry due to the fact that no new programs have been installed and removed. However, over a period of time, your registry will grow as you add and remove software, hardware and general programs on your computer. These constant additions and removals will eventually cause your windows registry to become fragmented, corrupted or full of errors.
Lets have a brief look at the common errors a computer has,as a result of registry problems:
Common errors include:
1.Missing,broken or bad application/Windows paths, shortcuts and links
2.Unwanted browser objects
3.Unused and obsolete Start Menu items
4. Missing or corrupt application files
5. Corrupt Active X/COM Objects
6.Obsolete shared DLLs and folders.
7.Registry integrity and shell...