Getting a credit card with bad credit is not at all advisable. But nevertheless it is possible for people with bad credit to still get a credit card. You can do so by following the step mentioned below :
1) You can apply for credit cards at smaller organizations like small retail stores instead of well-established financial institutions. If your application is accepted by the small stores, then see to it that you at least make a small purchase once a month and pay the minimum payment required on time.
2) You can also approach your bank for a credit card. If they already have your account or business for several years, then they might issue a credit card to you.
3) You can ask your friend or a relative to jointly sign a credit card with you. You can choose a person with good credit. Be aware that if you are not able to pay the loan, then the joint holder must pay it. This way of getting a credit card is not advisable.
4) You can apply for a secured credit card if all other ways of getting a credit card fail. You will be required to open and maintain a savings account for your line of credit which will be a percentage of your deposit.
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