Credit cards can be vital to function today, whether it be to book a hotel room or rent a vehicle. Dont despair if your credit is less-than-perfect and you have had trouble getting a credit card. Many cards are geared for people with bad credit.
When looking for a credit card for less-than-perfect credit, the important thing is to do your research beforehand and not to apply for every card, as it can lower your credit score. Dont worry if your credit isnt perfect because credit card lenders look at more than just your credit history. You can improve your chances at qualifying by having a steady income and long time residency.
If you have less-than-perfect credit, you will generally have two options for cards:
Secured credit cards
You must make a deposit in a savings account with the bank that issues the secured credit card in order to use it. The deposit is used as collateral for your card. The amount that you need to deposit varies with the program, but generally if you deposit $300, you would have a credit limit of $300. You can increase your credit limit by depositing more money.
Some secured credit cards may offer a slightly higher credit...