Almost all credit card holders are aspiring for a higher credit card limit. This is because a higher credit card limit will enable them to make otherwise unaffordable purchases. Credit card holders need to remember that to get a higher credit card limit; they must abide by the terms and conditions of the credit card company or bank.
Below are other ways to get a higher credit card limit.
The most important thing to do to get a higher credit limit is to prove your creditworthiness. This is the number one thing banks and companies look for in giving a higher credit limit.
Attract positive attention from the credit card company or bank by paying finance purchases once in a while. However, it is not advisable to make this method a habit and should only be done as a last resort to increase your chances of getting a higher credit limit.
Proving credit card companies and banks that you are good borrower would definitely convince them to give you a higher credit limit. But be careful as such strategy could only serve the benefit of the companies and banks. A higher credit card limit means greater purchasing power but it also increases the potential of...