Many a thing available in todays market is too expensive that most of the people find it difficult to increase or raise so much of money in no time. For example, if you want to buy or build a house, the entire exercise is bound to set one back by thousands of dollars. And practically, it is very difficult for common man to afford such a huge amount of money in one go. This is where loans or mortgages come as a remedy for the common people.
A loan can be described as a sum of money or property that has been transferred to a borrower under a condition in which the borrower agrees to repay the amount or its equivalent in a fixed period of time, as agreed upon by the two parties. Loan can be called as a form of debt, which is usually acknowledged by a promissory note, a bond, or a simple oral promise to refund. Generally, loans are provided at a cost, termed as an interest, which gets accumulated along with each term of payment. There are different types of loans available in todays money market and each has its own rules and regulations. The interest one has to pay to a loan also differs on which type of interest he chooses to pay for the loan. That is, loan rates differ...