If you drive any vehicle on any public road in Maryland then you must have automobile insurance. Driving without automobile insurance in Maryland is a dangerous proposition. If you are caught your cars license plates can be confiscated, your registration can be canceled and you can be denied a new car registration, plus there could be court-imposed fines.
In Maryland you must carry liability insurance, uninsured motorist (UM) insurance and you must carry personal injury protection (PIP). Depending on the value of your vehicle and depending on whether or not your vehicle is being financed, you could be required to carry additional insurance and you may be required to carry more than the states minimum requirements.
The good news is you are not required to get your insurance from any one particular insurance provider in other words, you do not have to get insurance from the insurer that is recommended by the institution which is financing your vehicle. This means you are free to go online and get affordable automobile insurance.
But before we do that lets look at a couple of ways to keep your insurance rates low regardless of which insurance carrier you...