How To Get An Air Miles Credit Card You Will Be Proud To Carry
If you are one of those people that often stand in lines at the airport in order to do business as usual, then you may already know the value of an air miles credit card. Not all air miles credit cards are equal, however, but it will take some research in order for you to find the best one for you. Here are some tips for things to look for as you try to get one that you can be proud of.
Airline Card Vs. All-purpose Card
There are two different kinds of air miles credit cards to choose from – ones that are put out by the airline, and those put out by the credit card companies. The airline cards, while possibly offering a better deal when you travel on their airline, may not be as handy overall. This is especially true if you will ever have to fly on another airline. If your destinations are always the same, and the airline operates out of both airports, then this is good. However, if you visit other airports as your business demands, then an all-purpose type of air miles card is the better way to go.
Comparing Up-Front Points
A number of air miles credit cards promise to...