How To Get Cash Back On Almost Every Online Purchase
Shoppers are buying more and more online and just as there are cash back credit cards where you get cash back on every purchase you make with the credit card, there are also cash back shopping sites where you get cash back on every purchase you make through their sites. Although cash back credit cards typically only give you 1-2% cash back, cash back websites usually give 3-10% cash back on purchases with some going as high as 30%.
Things You’ll Need:
-> Computer
-> Internet Access
-> The desire to save money on your online purchases
STEP 1: Find a cash back shopping site by either doing a search in your favorite search engine or go to my personal favorite which is
STEP 2: Sign up for free membership. These sites make money on your purchases too so there is no need for them to charge you a fee for their services. If they try then go elsewhere.
STEP 3: Search for the store you wish to purchase from (most cash back shopping sites have 800 or more stores) or by the category from which you want to purchase like flowers or...