Cash advance loans can be addictive — when you need them they are there and waiting to be used. They are very handy if you are short of cash until your next payday. You can simply borrow a small amount of cash then pay the cash advance company back on your payday. But, when people become addicted to borrowing the cash from a cash advance company, they become addicted to the borrowing.
When you are addicted to anything it is hard to break the addiction — you get a buzz from the addiction, but you know that you have to break out from it because otherwise the addiction could get you into trouble. Cash advance addictions can only lead to one thing and that is a horrible mountain of debt that could destroy you.
To get out of your cash advance addiction you must first of all realize that these companies are taking away more of your money each time you borrow from them in part because their interest rates can be rather harsh to the customer. You must get yourself a budget written down and you must stick to it. If you can stick to a budget, then you are showing yourself that you can look after your money and you do not need to keep going to the cash...