Just because you have received a structured settlement for your lawsuit or insuracne claim, it does not mean you have to wait years to get the money you have comming to you. There are several settlement purchasing companies that will give you quick cash for your structured settlement. Such companies can pay cash for your entire structured settlement or purchase your remaining settlement payments. You can spend this lump sum payment on anything you wish such as a house, college tuition, business investments or debts.
What Is a Structured Settlement?
A structured settlement typically results from a personal injury lawsuit. This is an agreement where you agree to accept periodic payments over time in exchange for the release of liability of your claim. A structured settlement can provide payments in almost any manner that you choose. An example is a settlement that may be paid in annual installments over a number of years. Another is getting settlement payments in periodic payouts every few years.
These kinds of payments are generally awarded through the purchase of one or more annuities from a life insurance company. Structured settlements can also be given...