Although it is getting easier and easier to get hold of a loans at a good price, there are still ways that you can make it hard for yourself to get a loan. If you make these mistakes then you will find yourself getting refused for a loan and making it hard to apply for another and be accepted. If you want to get refused for a loan, then these mistakes will make sure that is what happens.
Not sorting out your credit
If you are looking for an unsecured loan, the easiest way to get refused is to not get your credit history in order before applying. Unsecured loan decisions are based upon your credit history, so if it is inaccurate or in a bad way you will be refused. Make sure that before you apply for a loan, you check your credit report to make sure everything is accurate and that all previous problems are sorted out. If you have bad credit, then try to get your finances in better shape before applying for a loan.
Applying for lots of loans
Another easy way to get yourself refused for a loan is to apply for lots of loans at once. If various companies are doing credit checks at the same time, they will become suspicious and believe you are trying to...