Did you know that most authors who write articles online never have their work recognized and are never rewarded for the high quality work they produce? It’s really very sad when you think about how much time and effort is put into those articles. Did you also know that there is a select group of people across the net that have learned how to get rich writing articles online?
These folks aren’t necessarily smarter than the rest of us, but they have learned how to harness the power of article marketing and use it to their advantage. They know the key ingredients necessary to writing an article online that will generate a steady stream of income over multiple days, weeks, months and occassionally even a year or more. Once that system is in place, how to get rich writing articles online becomes easy because they only need to duplicate that blueprint.
Most articles are found and read online because people search the internet by using one to five words typed into their search engine of choice that relate to they topic they are interested in reading or the product they want to buy. In the world of article marketing, these are called keywords and they can...