Candida is a type of fungus which lives in our body. Yeast infection happens when Candida grow too much in the body system. The good bacteria in your body keeps the yeast from overgrowth. However, when you consume medication such as antibiotics, it kills the good bacteria thereby allowing the yeast to grow out of control. Yeast infection affects mostly women in the age group of between 16 and 35.
Some of the symptoms to help identify this infection are:
1.burning feeling when urinating
2.feel itchy and irritating around vaginal area
3.white cheesy discharge from vagina
Anything that changes the acidity in the vaginal area and kills the good bacteria can encourage the yeast to grow at a faster rate. Some of the causes are lack of sleep, steroid hormone medication, high intake of sugary and starchy foods, antibiotics, stress, immune-damaging illnesses such as diabetes, oral contraceptives (birth control pills), weakened immune system, steroid drugs, and estrogen replacement therapy.
The most common infection is at the vaginal area. You can get rid of these infections by using anti-fungal medicines which are easily available at the...