How To Get Rid Of Your Bad Credit In Two Months
You were sure that you would get the loan that you applied for, but to your surprise, a bank turned down the loan. The bank explained to you that you have bad credit and they consider you sub prime. What, you may, ask is sub prime? Sub prime means that you have bad credit and score of less than 620 on the FICO scale / rating. This however doesn’t mean that you can’t apply for loans. There are many lenders and companies who specialize in lending to sub primers.
Ways to get rid of your bad credit in two months:
You can start by checking your credit report. Many times the information that may have been entered is incorrect. If you do find the errors, write to the credit company stating the errors and the corrective action for it.
Ask for your credit scores from Trans Union, Experian and Equifax. Thus you can know your credit score and devise measure to make it better.
Pay off your loans; even payday loans can become big if you add them up. Control the urge to borrow small, even if it is $20. Just imagine $20 a day means $600 a month.
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