How to Get Spidered and Indexed Fast by the Search Engines
One of the most effective and powerful methods to promote your web site is with articles or what some call Article Marketing.
What articles have to do with promoting your site you might ask, well, a lot!
First, the Internet is providing a major thing to the web surfers and that is information or in other words content, you probably heard people say often that in the Internet marketing arena content is king.
Every web site owner need some content for his site, this content might be text, articles, audio info , video clips, Images, news feeds, graphs & charts etc.
Google could be illustrated as a teacher standing in front of a class and asking a question (a surfer is making a search in Google), in front of our teacher seating millions of students all crying out load: I know the answer pick me! (the web sites trying to be first in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).
How our teacher is supposed to decide who of all those millions of sites might have a cleaver, concise or the right answer? Google needs some criterions to determine the quality of these web...