What does it take to get a sponsor for your custom vehicle project?
Everybody always asks me, “how did you get so many sponsors?” The short answer is, “because I asked”. I know this is an overly simplified answer, but it really is the main key to getting sponsorships. The second key to being successful when soliciting potential sponsors is having something worth sponsoring that is interesting and unique. It sounds easy, but it’s not as simple as it sounds. I got the idea for soliciting sponsors from truck I saw in Four Wheeler many years ago called “Project MPG”. It was a nondescript, white Ford F-350 dually which had been customized under the hood to produce the maximum miles per gallon possible. Their project truck had about eight or nine companies sponsoring it. When I first began my Custom Ford project, I contacted the owner of Project MPG for some advice. He very quickly gave me the brush off and being unhelpful was an understatement. So I took the initiative, based on my experience in marketing and business in general, and started making ‘sales’ calls to companies that manufactured the products I needed for my...